Welcome to Grace & Truth Church
Grace & Truth Church (or GTC as we call it) is a new church in Cypress, Tx. We invite you to join us this Sunday at 10:30 AM! Let us know you're coming.
Called to lead people out of religion & into a relationship with Jesus Christ, by faith & revelation of the Truth, and His extravagant grace and love.
…the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17
…great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all. ~ Matthew 12:15
…For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. ~ Romans 10:13
The Kingdom of God is not a secret society. God’s secret was Jesus, who has now been revealed for everyone. Knowing God in a personal and intimate way is not only attainable, but it is also the reason for your existence. The way to know the Father is through His son Jesus Christ. He is very much alive and willing. Indeed He is longing to be your closest friend, no matter who you are or what you have done. He is no respecter of persons, and this is offensive to religious minded, self-righteous people who like to believe that their good deeds and clean living have earned them something with God. Wrong. Jesus has earned all things pertaining to life and godliness for us all, as a free gift. The grace of God has appeared to all men, but we must learn how to appropriate it by coming into a relationship with Jesus, and beginning to live a life of love and faith. All of us who have a hope and a future with God can accredit it to what Jesus has done on our behalf. Don’t limit God’s influence in your life by thinking He doesn’t want you, or that you have to jump through religious hoops and be approved by men in order to be accepted by your Father in Heaven. There are plenty of good reasons to live a holy life, but don’t fall into the trap of believing it is a prerequisite to a relationship with God. Just turn to Jesus; as He begins to earn your trust, you will begin to change effortlessly as His Word takes root in your heart and begins to bear fruit in your life. I long for everyone to really know Him. He is beautiful…
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 1 Corinthians 16:23
Welcome Home
Our new church is the perfect place for your family to grow in the things of God, receive a meaningful Word every Sunday and make a difference here in Cypress. Come and be a part of Grace and Truth Church.
Pastor Will Brocker was born in 1965 in Texas City, Texas. He is the youngest of five children and lived apart from God for many years, erroneously believing he was a Christian but living overcomers from any real relationship with God; finally surrendering his life to Jesus Christ in 2007.
He was ordained as Pastor in April 2009. Toward the end of 2010 Pastor Will and his wife; his best friend, helper, and encourager were called away by the Lord for an amazing season of instruction, as the Lord began to reveal His heart to establish Grace & Truth Ministries. This ministry was launched & established in Heaven & the State of Texas, on October 5, 2011. Pastor Will is blessed to be a member, since inception, of The Association of Related Ministries International (ARMI), and now serves as Regional Advocate for ARMI. He served as head Pastor of Divine Fellowship Church of Houston from October of 2013 till August of 2016, and now is Senior Founding Pastor of Grace and Truth Church.
Pastor Will has been given increasing revelation of God’s amazing grace. He is called to bring people into a powerful and meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. He preaches and teaches the good news of the gospel, by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit; emphasizing the necessity for the last days church to be set apart as the chosen Bride of Christ; unified, walking in love, and adorned with the gifts of the Spirit.
He loves to share God’s desire for all of his children to live the abundant, blessed life of overcomers; putting God first in all things; living and serving as ambassadors of His grace – healing, empowering, loving, and prospering (H.E.L.P.) the body of Christ, by the power of God… in the Love of Christ.
Our Statement of Faith
WE BELIEVE in one Eternal God, who exists as three Persons — the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He loves us… He is Holy… He is Faithful and Just.
WE BELIEVE the Bible is God breathed; inspired and empowered by God, it is alive, perfect, and is God’s instruction manual for His children.
WE BELIEVE that sin has separated us all from God, and that only through Jesus Christ can we be reconciled to God.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is both God and Man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He led a sinless life, took all our sins upon Himself, died and rose again. He accomplished all that is necessary for man’s salvation. Today, He is seated at the right hand of the Father as our High Priest and Mediator.
WE BELIEVE that salvation is the free gift of God to everyone who will accept Jesus sacrifice and make Him their Lord. Salvation is appropriated by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and it results in works pleasing to God. These works are done as a loving response to what our God and Savior has done for us, and not in an effort to obtain or retain our salvation.
WE BELIEVE that water baptism is a symbol of the cleansing power of God and a testimony of our trust in Christ. It is symbolic of our joining with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection, into our new life as a believer. The act alone does not save us, but it is an expression of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and is done in obedience to His request.
WE BELIEVE the true Church is composed of all born-again believers in Christ, regardless of denominational affiliation.
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit is our Comforter. He enables us to continue the work He began at Pentecost; leading, guiding, and empowering us to live for God and to do the works that Jesus did. He blesses us with spiritual gifts and gives us the ability to display God’s character – the fruit of the Spirit.
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Communion is a celebration of Jesus’ death and is done in remembrance of Him until His return.
WE BELIEVE that God desires everyone to repent and be saved. It is His nature to save, heal, deliver, teach, and empower us that we may live blessed, abundant, victorious lives and be a blessing to others.
WE BELIEVE that our life is an opportunity to come into a personal relationship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, which defines eternal life.
WE BELIEVE that all born-again believers are called to share the gospel with the whole world.
WE BELIEVE that our Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again just as He promised, then all believers (past and present) will be transformed to a heavenly home in an incorruptible body, and those who do not believe will join Satan and his demons in everlasting punishment.